Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Procrastination (and why it took me forever to get the work outs going)

So about 56498416554098 years ago I pledged to start walking two miles everyday...

Didn't happen.

Last night however, after much procrastinating and finding every excuse in the book me and one of my girlfriends headed out to a nearby park and walked on the track...

I never did make those two miles, but I speed walked one and I painted my toenails (hadn't happened in over a month).

Plus my room and dresser drawers got some clean up actions so all in all it was a very productive night.

Tonight I am going to dinner with my best friend in the whole wide world and then after its back to the track.

P.S. I thought I was completely out of shape...turns out I am somewhat out of shape but I'm mostly just lazy.

P.P.S. That mind over matter stuff really works, next time your working out don't picture thin celebrities...picture yourself thinner. Totally works in a second wind kind of way.

P.P.P.S. The shoes in the pic are Steve Madden, $ 38.99 at DSW


  1. Way to go on the work out! I just started back a few weeks ago too. It is hard to stay motivated but I like the way I feel after a run/walk so I am determined to keep up with it.

  2. Oh and btw, thanks so much for all your great suggestions about our FL Keys vacation. :)

  3. No problem!
    It's a great place you're going to love it!
    I feel the same way it's hard to make yourself go to work out but once you do you feel really really great.
    Let me know if I can help with anything else!
