Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Addicted, Inspired, and Humbled

If you haven't checked my blog roll thingy then let me tell you about my bloggy addictions.

I love love me some Perez Hilton. If you've never seen it you MUST go right this second. It's celebrity gossip blogging written by the very witty and hilarious Mr. Perez Hilton himself. I swear it's like crack to me!

I also love parenting blogs, more specifically mommy blogs.

I have a varied taste ranging from the very blunt like Attack of the Redneck Mommy to the more clean cut blogs like Classy Chaos

I cherish all of your stories and I thank you for inspiring me to join the blog community.


  1. I prefer TMZ to Perez, but I like hollywoodtuna for celebrity gossip, but they mainly focus on the hot women in Hollywood.

  2. Thanks, I'll check them out!
