Monday, September 7, 2009


I got dumped

By my subscriber

I have to say it kind of hurt but oh wells life goes on at least I haven't gotten some weird Anon person that wants to pass his/her free time by putting angry weird comments on my blog

The funny thing is I didn't even know I had one and when I found out I was super excited and then I took an unceremonious and unannounced break from blogging so I totally get why I got dumped

I don't want someone who never writes crowding up my blogroll either but sometimes life gets in the way and you need to take a step back and fix the little cracks in the dam and that takes time, and effort, and pain, and money, and all the things that leave you so exhausted that while you wish you could spill your guts and pour your heart out to the maybe three people that read your blog on occasion you just can't. I am offically putting myself in the running for longest run on sentence EVA. I would go back and change the punctuations and make it make sense but it sounds so much like how I speak in real life that I just don't want to.

My point, and I do have one, I love writting to my three unknowns. I love sharing my stories and rambles, no matter how insignificant they seem to me, and they may very well be insignificant to a million others, and I may be the most boring blog on the web but I simply don't care. I love going back and re-reading my old posts. Time does funny things to you and the truly important things seem to fade but this way I can always have them around to brighten my day.

So no hard feelings former subscriber I'm sure you had you're reasons, unless you're just a bitch that way, in that case please go ahead and imagine me sticking my tounge out at you.

That is all.

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